About the Book

Soulistry – Artistry of the Soul: Creative Ways to Nurture Your Spirituality (ISBN: 978-1-84694-615-8) is available at www.amazon.com for pre-orders.  Have a look at the YouTube video to get a glimpse of the book: The \”Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul\” book YouTube video

The book offers readers an opportunity to engage more deeply in the spiritual journey, re-connect with the intangible soul-essence of life and experience rich spiritual growth.

Through a series of almost 80 inspirational quotations from ordinary and extraordinary human beings (i.e. Joan Chittister, Martin Buber, Margaret Guenther, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Aristotle, John Wesley, Paul Tournier, the Dalai Lama, Solomon ibn Gabirol, Meister Eckhart, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus of Nazareth, Joy Harjo, Mattie Stepanek, Kahlil Gibran, Wangari Maathai and many more) around the world living in different centuries … along with accompanying Soul-Questions … this creative book draws attention to the connection between the sacred and secular, creativity and spirituality, art and soul – challenging, nurturing and encouraging the reader’s spiritual journey in a unique way.

This unique book encourages readers to realize their creative potential, deepen their awareness of the presence of the holy around them, recognize and celebrate their inner wisdom, and embrace life in new ways.

Some review clips follow.  To view the full reviews and more, click Reviews or set your browser to www.soulistry.com/category/bookreviews

One of the most difficult challenges in modern life is to make space for the soul, setting aside the eternal chatter that has invaded every niche of our existence. SOULISTRY is a marvelous method of finding the silence and attention that a healthy soul requires. Dr. Larry Dossey – Author, Physician

Expect your soul to be nourished and your creative spirit to be released through Soulistry!
Alisa E. Clark – author

Soulistry is a magic word of open soul searching.  Here is a book that promotes love, kindness, health, wisdom and happiness.  It will awaken your body, mind and spirit.
Henry Landry – Author, Buddhist Teacher

In Soulistry, spiritual teacher June Maffin has gathered from her own deep experience a heap of treasures: words of wisdom from across the ages, to which she has attached some very pertinent and moving questions for self-reflection and self-examination. It’s a book I would give to any seeker.
Donald Grayston – Co-Director, Pacific Jubilee Program in Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Direction, Co-Director

As I read this beautifully written and encouraging book, a sense of peace fell over my heart. I encourage you to explore Soulistry to help nourish your spiritual life.
Jean Wise – Author: Healthy Spirituality

Traveling through Soulistry, stopping to drink in the 80 quotes of wisdom, Journal Prompts, and listening to your heart’s response in answering the Soul-Questions, brings the reader into a sacred journey. Ann Smith – Co-Director of Circle Connections

If we take the book’s provocative Soul-Questions seriously, answers well up from our souls and we will be motivated to go further into ourselves than perhaps we have ever gone.
Sr. Gloriamarie Amalfitano –  Community of Solitude

“Soulistry—Artistry of the Soul gives an excellent series of signposts to your interior life, a way of discovering your true self as you are now, and finding creative ways to re-shaping that self in a healthier direction. In other words, deeper.” — The Rt. Rev. Pierre Whalon, Bishop, the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe

“Like so many explorers who kept a diary of their adventures, this guide to journal keeping gently asks the questions that only the traveler can answer.”
— Mary Lawler, Artist and Marketing Director for ArtId

“This can become a treasured bedside book, or be at hand beside a favorite armchair for dipping into in quiet moments, snatched from busy lives. It is non-denominational and fully ecumenical, so will appeal to seekers of deeper spirituality of any religious persuasion.”
— Sheila Waters, teacher, author and calligrapher

“Great work!  One of the most difficult challenges in modern life is to make space for the soul, setting aside the eternal chatter that has invaded every niche of our existence. SOULISTRY is a marvelous method of finding the silence and attention that a healthy soul requires.” — Dr. Larry Dossey, physician, author of nine books and much sought-after speaker

“You will be challenged, inspired and deeply moved by all that Dr. Maffin and Soulistry have to offer you regardless of your background, creative abilities or spiritual experience. Expect your soul to be nourished and your creative spirit to be released through Soulistry.” — Alisa E. Clark, author of “Dancing in the Doghouse”

“Whether the reader wants to heal loss, transform restrictive attitude and behavior patterns, or explore the personal spiritual journey, this book will support, encourage, and clarify the reader’s goal.” — Dr. Nancy Reeves, internationally respected psychologist, spiritual director and best-selling author

Where to Find It

The book will be available globally – bookstores in Canada order through NBN Canada or Ingram Books. U.S. bookstores use Ingram Books; elsewhere in the world it’s through ILMP (International Literary Marketplace) and listed either under John Hunt Publishers, 0-Books or Circle Books.