It’s a new month – the month of May has begun.
Happy May Day!

Summer is on its way.

In Celtic tradition, the beginning of summer is known as Beltane (Gaelic May Day festival) with celebrations which include the decoration of homes with flowers, bonfires, feasting, making of May bushes; and in France May 1st (known as the “worker’s holiday”), branches of Lily of the Valley are given as tokens of good luck.

Roses are beginning to open and their blossoms bring colour, sweet aroma. Joy!

And yet, their thorns prick. Pain.

Like roses, life brings joy and pain. And in the midst, there is hope.
Look for it. It’s there.
Look for it. It is here.

While difficult to see, sometimes even more difficult to experience, as a new month begins, there is always hope
… hope – that life will return to a semblance of political normalcy
… hope – that people will be, think and speak with kindness
… hope – that peace will come to Ukraine, the Middle East, everywhere
… hope – that this planet will survive climate change
… hope – that neither nuclear nor chemical warfare will ever be used
… hope – that A.I. will slow down its rapid development in unsafe ventures
… hope because it’s the beginning of a new month.

With beginnings, there are possibilities!
Let’s focus on the possibilities the month of May can bring.
Not focus on the fear.

Happy Beltane!
Happy Month of May!


© June Maffin