It’s Saturday. It sort of snuck up on me.

Sneaky Saturday! But then again, it seems that with each passing year, the days seem to pass more quickly.

Before I know it … a week has gone by … it’s a month later … another year has passed and the hair has more grey/white, the wrinkles seem to have increased, the tummy padding more evident and the body a bit more achy.

Yes, *Sneaky Saturday* you do sneak up. But I’m not complaining. Far from it! I’m just wondering … what kind of Saturday will you be … Sneaky – Silly – Sacred – Salient – Salubrious – Serendipitous – Stimulating – Serene – Sassy – Sanative – Sparkling – Sensational – Stellar – Sublime – Something else?

Whatever it is – welcome. 🙂

© June Maffin