Let’s Be Each Other’s Strength

Let’s Be Each Other’s Strength

I watched tonight’s news. Sure don’t like doing that, but know I need to keep informed because things are moving sooooo quickly – not just in the United States, or Canada, or Ukraine, or … but everywhere. 🙁

What can we do?
We can “be each other’s strength”
… by being kind
… by being gentle
… by being open to hope
for others
and ourselves.

And if we believe in prayer, we can pray for
… those who are letting evil guide their decisions
that they would not be motivated by greed, lust for power

We can pray for this world.
And we can pray for its leaders who are working hard – in spite of personal danger
to keep democracy alive.

Let’s “be each other’s strength.”


© June Maffin

Photo: unknown photographer. If you know, please let me know so appropriate accreditation can be shared. Thank you.

All Shall Be Well

All Shall Be Well

A friend wrote: “I don’t know how the world is going to manage four years of this. I really honestly don’t know, because if this is just the beginning, what’s going to happen from here?” Neither does anyone else know what’s going to happen.

But whatever happens, we cannot lose hope.
We cannot let evil win.

While evil may take over for a while,
it must not take away the soul of the people.

I believe we can survive this – the “we” being humanity.

While the United States has been at the forefront since DJT took over the White House, while and his unofficial co-president continue to shock Americans with outrageous statements and decisions, there are other countries in similar predicament … or are on the brink if upcoming elections go certain ways.

I believe that “we” … humanity … can survive.
I believe that we “must.”
I don’t see this as the literal end of the world, as do some.

I draw strength from the words of a woman who lived centuries ago and who wrote these words “All shall be well. All shall be well. And all manner of thing shall be well.” While I wish Dame Julian of Norwich had written “All things ARE well”, she did not. She simply said that they SHALL BE well.

The question for many is — when will wellness happen – for the people of Ukraine? for the people of the city of Djibo, Burkino Faso? for the people of El Fasher, Sudan? for the people of Gaza? for the people of the United States? for the people of Canada, Mexico, Panama?

And will it happen – in our generation? in our children’s generation? in the generation of our grandchildren or great grandchildren or beyond that?

We don’t have the answers, but we must hold fast to the “SHALL BE” well and in the meantime, do what we can to maintain our emotional, physical and spiritual wellness of today.

For some, that means taking a break from social media – from the news – from talking about politics – from certain family members – from certain friends – from certain community / on-line groups that continuously talk about politics.

For some, it means being proactive – calling politicians, writing letters to politicians, being active on social media, speaking up-and out.

And we can send thoughts of protection and loving concern to others in the form of financial support, prayer.

Evil must not permanently destroy the essence of what it is to be human – of taking care of ourselves and doing what we can to bring kindness and compassion into the world around us.

And, we remember to breathe – as this yellow daffodil did in my garden, surrounded by a foot of snow.


© June Maffin

Those Who Cannot Remember The Past …

Those Who Cannot Remember The Past …

Dear friends, This is not like the kind of post you would normally expect to find here on “Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul”. And yet – and yet, when I think about Soulistry, (its origins, purpose, raison d’être), I think of spirituality and recognize that for me, the essence of spirituality refers to the aspect of human life that seeks meaning, purpose, and connection beyond the everyday material world. That often involves exploring inner beliefs, values, and experiences that connect me to something larger than myself, whether that’s understood as a Higher Power, the Universe, Nature, or simply the interconnectedness of all life.

Soulistry (aka for me, ‘spirituality’) is a personal daily journey of self-discovery and personal growth that hopefully inculcates inner peace within me and a sense of belonging/connection with others for I believe that we are connected to one another – on many levels.

Lately, that ‘connectedness’ has felt fragmented
… as more and more countries are finding their sense of democracy being attacked
… as more and more people are frightened, terrified even, of what they see happening and anticipate even experiencing
… as more and more relationships in families, work places, communities, places of worship are disintegrating.

It’s been less than three weeks since the ascendency of one man to the presidency of the United States which ushered in chaos and fear at very deep levels. Like others, I was upset – very upset – though at first I was not very public with my thoughts. But with each passing day as Project 2025 seemed to becoming a reality, that changed. I posted the following on my personal Facebook page and tonight realized that it was time – and appropriate – to post here.

********************** P.S. It’s lengthy ********************************

If you’ve been following me on Facebook over the years, you know that the past 16 days, give or take a few, my FB postings on my personal page have been unlike me. I’m usually not political in public or on social media. But since DJT moved into the WH, I found myself speaking out – more and more. I don’t see that changing.

And here is why … in high school, I was a history buff. Mr. Jake Snyder was my teacher and he made history come alive for his students. He was a gifted teacher – passionate about history – a teacher who reinforced the words of George Santayana, the Spanish-American philosopher and author of “The Life of Reason” who wrote “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

I learned a lot about WW 11 from Mr. Snyder. And then as an adult, I learned about WW11 from … a visit to Dachau in Germany … a visit to Yad Vashem in Israel … a visit to a Florida school of a Jewish friend’s children where we had to enter via a locked door with a security guard behind bullet-proof glass and then use a code to enter the classrooms.

When I married my husband who was much older than I, he told me stories of what he experienced growing up in the Netherlands during WW11. I wish I’d never heard any of them. They were terrifying. At the time, I thought along the lines of “so glad lessons were learned and won’t be repeated.”

One night, before DJT was elected the first time, while watching the news together, my husband became unusually quiet and held his head in his hands. After a few moments, we talked and his words sent a cold shiver down my spine. “It’s happening again. I see it happening all over again.”

He was right. It is. As much as I miss Hans every day, and wish that cancer had not invaded his body and ended his life, I can honestly say that I am grateful he is not alive to experience what is happening. So that is why I speak up, speak out, blog, write letters … to try and encourage those who cannot see what is happening to look, really look … before it is too late.

And if they need a school refresher update, I encourage them to read their high school history book about WW11. It’s history and easily available to research and authenticate. It’s important to remember that when Hitler first took office, he knew he needed more than just laws to stay in control—he needed loyal enforcers who would carry out his agenda without question. While the SS didn’t officially take over in the first two weeks of Hitler’s rule, the seeds were planted.

What we’re seeing now with Trump’s second term is the same playbook. It’s called Project 2025. Same focus – white male supremacy … different century.

Mr. Snyder taught his students well. Not only did he teach us to learn from history, but to speak up when we saw injustice, when we recognized evil, when we knew deep within our gut that things are not right.

So, that’s what I am doing and I encourage you to do the same because those who believe in and support … DJT and his minions in the United States … the Conservatives and Pierre Poilievre in Canada … the far-right National Rally party of Le Pen and figures like Maréchal … the Fratelli d’Italia party in Italy … the AfD (Alternative for Germany) party in Germany … Călin Georgescu of Romania … are underscoring a broader trend of increasing far-right and neo-fascist influence in global politics … specifically about the future of democratic institutions and civil liberties.

The global surge in far-right movements raises concerns that we must not ignore. We must speak out – resist – speak up – demonstrate – write letters – vote them out of power … not vote them into office.

There are people en route this moment to Guantanamo Bay — where housing is not yet ready, where children and pregnant women and the disabled and elderly will be housed. By any other name – a concentration camp.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

© June Maffin

Photo: by the Vegan Monster, Pexels, used by permission



There she was,
perched on the fence
as I drove by.

She looked so peaceful.

I hadn’t noticed her before
though I’m sure she was there
when I had driven by that place, many times before.
She was a welcome respite in a day
seemingly empty of peace.

Images of peace are welcome,
all the time,
but particularly days such as these,
where politics scream at us in the news, conversations, social media
causing sleepless nights and stress-beyond-stress.

Miss Cat-Perched-On-A-Fence “spoke” to me
and I realized that my walks had had no focus
so that day
I made a decision.
No longer would I wait for something to attract my attention on my walks and drives.
I would intentionally ‘focus’
and “look for” images of peace

Where have you seen images of peace?
What have been those images of peace?
When did you last experience/see/hear something that brought a deep sense of abiding peace?
When did you last experience someone who brought a deep sense of peace?

Was the sense of peace in a conversation? in the experience of Nature’s wonder?
Was it in a phrase you read or heard?

For me that day,
it was a four-legged feline beauty,
perched on a fence,
doing nothing,
other than simply be-ing and in doing so, she radiated peace for me.

Thank you little one,
for blessing my day
in a way I wasn’t expecting
and for reminding me that there are unexpected blessings around us every day,
when we open our eyes
and ears
and hearts
to see
and feel them.


© June Maffin



She spoke on January 21, 2025
with courage.

Feeling self-confident or not,
she stood before Goliath
using the ‘sling and stones’
of word, of gentle voice, of eye-to-eye contact.

Her sermon has been shared countless times. 
Her words have been quoted and debated
and thousands upon thousands have heard
words of hope
through her.

Like David,
she taught Goliath
an important lesson:
Never underestimate the power of God
however that happens
even if
even if
and maybe even if
and especially
through a woman.

© June Maffin

May God bless Bishop Budde. May she continue to listen to God’s still, silent voice within. And may she, her family, staff, and people she serves be protected from physical harm, emotional distress, and spiritual dis-ease.
Amen. So be it. Amen.

January 20, 2025-Martin Luther King Jr. Day And …

January 20, 2025-Martin Luther King Jr. Day And …

January 20, 2025 is Inauguration Day in the United States.
It is also Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

It is not a co-incidence that the two are happening on the same day this year.

While it is true that what is coming is darkness,
it is also true, as Martin Luther King Jr reminded us,
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”


Light can drive out darkness!
Love can drive out hate!

Let us not lose sight of the hope that is is Light and Love.

© June Maffin



Laughter — it is SOOOO good for the body and soul. Sadly, there’s not been a lot of that these days. Politics … anger … fear … seem to have taken over.

Our soul needs regular doses of laughter!

When my Dutch-born husband, Hans, was alive, there was a lot of laughter in our home. His delightful laugh and great sense of humour still bring a smile to my face. And today, laughter bubbled out of me when I reread his response to something I posted on social media the year before he died.

I wrote:
“India Foxtrot Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Alpha November Uniform November Delta Echo Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha November Delta Tango Hotel India Sierra, Charlie Oscar Papa Yankee Alpha November Delta Papa Alpha Sierra Tango Echo Tango Oscar Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha Tango Uniform Sierra. “

And he replied …
“Alfa November Delta Whiskey Hotel Alfa Tango India Sierra Tango Hotel India Sierra Alfa Lima Lima Alfa Bravo Oscar Uniform Tango Whiskey Hotel Alfa Tango Alfa Mike India Tango Oscar Charlie Oscar Papa Yankee Alfa November Delta Papa Alfa Sierra Tango Echo.”

I laughed then. And I laughed this morning when I saw this photo and remembered our online conversation.

How I wish I had a recording of his voice – and his laugh! I can “hear” both his voice and laughter in my head and heart, but oh how wonderful it would be to have actual recordings.

So often we think of taking photos of our partner/spouse, children, parents, siblings – at various ages/stages in their lives. I treasure the photos I have. But their voices??? It never crossed my mind to record their voices.

Gratefully, I have voice recordings of my son, but recordings of the voices of my parents, siblings, Hans? Not one. And now, that they’ve all died, I can’t.

A gentle encouragement to you — if you don’t have recordings of the voice of your loved one(s) voice, get started now. Record them reading to you. Let them know what you’re doing and record a conversation.

And record their laughter. 🙂
Your soul will thank you.

© June Maffin



Long ago, it is said, that a star appeared in the sky – a star that was unlike any other. All were amazed – and perhaps, even the lambs. 🙂

Years and years ago, I made this banner for Epiphany, the season of light – which began January 6th for many around the world.

The banner was made out of a black velvet-like fabric and white fabric paint was dabbed on the fabric to create the images. The black velvet-like fabric is fading, the lines of the star are still crooked and every year I take it out and hang it as a gentle reminder of a dreary, wintery weather’s day when I decided to try painting on black velvet-like fabric and the hope and peace that such a reminder of light in the Season of Epiphany brings.

I find Epiphany and its symbolism of ‘light’ to be helpful during the winter months of weather, the winter months of war, and the winter months of the soul, which so many around the world are dealing with these days as democracy is being threatened.

I hope you do, too, and that you wibring light into your home in a variety of ways.

May light be within you.
May light be around you.
May light walk before you and walk behind you.
May light envelope, embrace and sustain you and this world.
And may the awe and wonder of the wee lambs as they gazed on the star – the Light – be instilled in the hearts of all so our world is a place of hope, lovingkindness and peace.

Happy Epiphany Season!

© June Maffin

Where There Is Darkness – light

Where There Is Darkness – light


Where there is darkness
we must bring the light.
Where there is darkness
we must send the light.
Where there is darkness
we must be the light.

We can be the light
as we focus on goodness
not evil.

We can be the light
as we offer a listening ear
offer healing energy to a troubled world.
by holding the light for others, being present
being honest, being kind, being thoughtful.

We can be the light
and reflect the Light of hope
and possibility
by speaking up
by speaking out
by peaceful protest.

Where there is darkness …
may we bring the light.
Where there is darkness …
may we send the light.
Where there is darkness …
may we *be* the light.

Let us offer healing energy, good thoughts, prayer.
Let us focus on goodness
even in the face of evil.

© June Maffin