Laughter — it is SOOOO good for the body and soul. Sadly, there’s not been a lot of that these days. Politics … anger … fear … seem to have taken over.

Our soul needs regular doses of laughter!

When my Dutch-born husband, Hans, was alive, there was a lot of laughter in our home. His delightful laugh and great sense of humour still bring a smile to my face. And today, laughter bubbled out of me when I reread his response to something I posted on social media the year before he died.

I wrote:
“India Foxtrot Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Alpha November Uniform November Delta Echo Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha November Delta Tango Hotel India Sierra, Charlie Oscar Papa Yankee Alpha November Delta Papa Alpha Sierra Tango Echo Tango Oscar Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha Tango Uniform Sierra. “

And he replied …
“Alfa November Delta Whiskey Hotel Alfa Tango India Sierra Tango Hotel India Sierra Alfa Lima Lima Alfa Bravo Oscar Uniform Tango Whiskey Hotel Alfa Tango Alfa Mike India Tango Oscar Charlie Oscar Papa Yankee Alfa November Delta Papa Alfa Sierra Tango Echo.”

I laughed then. And I laughed this morning when I saw this photo and remembered our online conversation.

How I wish I had a recording of his voice – and his laugh! I can “hear” both his voice and laughter in my head and heart, but oh how wonderful it would be to have actual recordings.

So often we think of taking photos of our partner/spouse, children, parents, siblings – at various ages/stages in their lives. I treasure the photos I have. But their voices??? It never crossed my mind to record their voices.

Gratefully, I have voice recordings of my son, but recordings of the voices of my parents, siblings, Hans? Not one. And now, that they’ve all died, I can’t.

A gentle encouragement to you — if you don’t have recordings of the voice of your loved one(s) voice, get started now. Record them reading to you. Let them know what you’re doing and record a conversation.

And record their laughter. 🙂
Your soul will thank you.

© June Maffin

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