Proud to be a Canadian?  Yep.   
Happy to be a Canadian?   Very much.
Grateful to be a Canadian?  … Understatement.

However you will be marking another anniversary of this country, there is much that is good, in spite of the frustrations and problems. 

It is easy to criticize.
It is easy to point fingers and question.
It is easy to wish history revealed different stories.

I doubt there is one country which can claim to be without frustration, dismay, embarrassment, anger, disappointment, shame or combination thereof, as people reflect on the history of their country at some time or other.

For one day – just one day – how about we celebrate … not dwell on the negative. 
For one day – just one day – how about we focus on the goodness of this country … and not complain.
For one day – just one day, – how about we express gratitude … for the privilege of being Canadian.   

May all have a happy and safe Canada Day weekend – to all Canadians and all Canadian-wanna-be’s.  🙂


Text © June Maffin