On this, the Third day in the Season of Christmas, let’s sing!
I wish for you, a voice!   

* A voice that would sing.

* A voice
that would be 
a voice for the voiceless in the world.

* A voice
that would let elected politicians know when they are not standing up for justice, not speaking truth, not representing their constituents but themselves in their words, actions and decisions.

* A voice that would echo the cries 
of the innocent, the tortured, the unjustly tried and imprisoned, the abused, the homeless, the hungry, the minorities, the incarcerated, the lonely, the isolated, the fearful.

* A voice that would write letters to the editor and speak out on behalf of local, national and international injustices.

* A voice that would be kind in word, thought and action.

* A voice
that would express innermost feelings to loved ones before it is too late.

* And a voice that speaks to one’s own heart with a gentle reminder of love, worth, and ‘becoming’ one’s full potential.

Be a voice

… and sing!

Happy Third Day of Christmas!

© June Maffin

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May the Twelve Days of Christmas be a reminder that Christmas isn’t just “one day.”  The Spirit of Christmas can continue to be alive in hearts and lives every day – even beyond the Season of Christmas.   🙂
June Maffin


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