I love learning.  No, scratch that I’m passionate about learning!  I try to learn something new every day. Some days the learning is huge. Other days it’s subtle.

Some days
the learning is about me: what I believe, who I am, things I need to work on.  Some days the learning is about others:  how hurtful, unloving, unkind, mean-spirited; how generous, gracious, thoughtful people can be.

Some days
the learning involves a new approach: to technology or art or gardening or writing or music or a new chess move or history or literature or religion or politics.  And some days, it’s a combination.

Each night before I go to bed, I ask myself “what have you learned today?”  Recently a difficult moment and at the same time grace-filled moment helped highlight a lesson again. The lesson  of forgiveness was learned
again. Just when I think I’ve learned this lesson,  another situation / person / event reminds me that forgiveness happens over and over and over and over again.

Forgiveness of others, forgiveness of God/Higher Power/Holy One, 
forgiveness of self – not easy lessons but important and integral to spiritual growth and self-awareness.

Yes, I love learning – not always  but most of the time.    🙂



Photo & Text © june maffin
Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul