It’s October.  Here in the western hemisphere, we are in the Season of Fall/Autumn – a beautiful time of the year where I live.

After taking this photo, I couldn’t help myself.
I took a break.
I ran down the path, playing with the fallen leaves.  If only for a few moments, returning to life-as-a-child, when life was simple,  uncomplicated, safe, and secure.

May we all take a break.
May we let our mind drift … far, far away from the political yuck, pandemic, global issues … from the nasty social media, personal stresses and crises … from the anger and fear and bewilderment.  And for a few moments, may we let our imagination take us to a place where we scamper down a lane covered with leaves, joyfully toss the leaves up in the air, inhale the smells of this now-upon-us Season, listen to the sounds under our feet and over our head as we play, as birds fly south, as we laugh and breathe … breathe in – the Breath of Life – Ruach – fresh air – holy living.

Signs abound in Nature and within us as we move into and through the Autumn Season of our lives.

There are times when we feel alive and vibrant in body, mind and spirit.  There are times when we realize that the withering of skin,
the creaking of bones, the aching of muscles, the forgetfulness that can come with the aging process are simply part of the Autumn Season of life.

Is it wisdom to ignore these signs?  Is it wisdom to focus solely on these signs?  How can we maintain balance and acknowledge the the cycle of life?

Perhaps trees and leaves can be our teacher.  When leaves change colour … the tree is still there.  When our face, legs, arms, neck, hands begin to wither … we are still there.  When leaves fall  … not all fall at the same time.  When we rise from a chair or sofa … stiffness doesn’t always remain with us.

Fall/Autumn is here.  Winter is coming.  And in the meantime, if leaves and trees could talk, perhaps they would remind us to spread our branches, to acknowledge our natural beauty in each season, and to welcome life.

L’chaim!  To life!!!  Welcome Fall!  Welcome Autumn!


© June Maffin

Welcome to Soulistry


Photos taken in Shawnigan Lake, B.C., Canada