“All shall be well.
All shall be well.
And all manner of thing shall be well”

There are no promises in life
but the words by Dame Julian of Norwich (c. 1342)
can be of assistance when dealing with
difficult moments
difficult people
difficult situations.

Used as … a prayer … a hope … a mantra … a wish
the words can offer a snippet of reassurance that “everything is going to be okay.”
And when we’re “in the trenches” of difficult moments, people, situations,
even though Dame Julian’s words don’t say that things *are* okay,
her words do say that all *shall be* well.
And that’s
a calming thought
because when life gets to be more difficult than we think we can manage,
surely a sense of calm is what is needed.

Whether or not Dame Julian’s words are
softly spoken
let’s hold the words close to our heart
this night
and in the nights to come.

Who knows –
they might bring
a peace that is intangible
… yet real
a joy that is indefinable
… yet palpable
a hope that is unimaginable
… yet possible.

“I believe,Tinker Bell and Green-Frog-peering-through-leaves.
I believe” that “all *shall be* well
in spite of the lies
in spite of the fear
in spite of the fraud.
At some point in time
“all *shall be* well.

So may it be. So may it be.

© June Maffin

An aside: tried to locate the creator of this image without success.
If you know the creator, please let me know so appropriate accreditation can be provided.