This is a day like no other.  The waves of grief overwhelm me.  My soul aches.  My heart is broken.

Fear begins to rise 
as questions and concerns about family, friends, minorities, the elderly, children, health care, the economy, personal and global security, the world, me and so much more, surface.
I want it to be just a bad dream. But it is not. It is reality.
In time, a new day will appear. But today is a day like no other and I will not ignore my thoughts or my feelings or my questions.  I will not listen to platitudes of those who tell me how I should feel, what I should believe,
why I should be strong/
Today I am not strong. Today I feel helpless. And yet in the midst of it all,
I make a conscious choice to
… strive for justice and peace among all people
… remain steadfast in my respect for the dignity of every human being
… safeguard the integrity of God’s creation … stand for justice and equality in all arenas of life in peaceful ways, in compassionate ways, in loving ways.
These are what I can do.  These are what I will do.  These are what I must do.
I may feel helpless, but I am not, even on this day … This-Day-Like-No-Other. 


Photo & Text © june maffin