Winter storms have been happening and continue to happen. “When will it stop?” “How much damage will it do before it passes away?”

Political storms have been happening and continue to happen. “When will it stop?” “How much damage will it do before it passes away?”

While I don’t have the answers, I do have hope.  Hope that “this too shall pass.”  Eventually. Hope that “new life is on its way.”.  Eventually.

This morning a glimpse of hope was evident in a pot of earth where, tucked inside were spring bulbs.  Nothing appeared above the earth yesterday. This morning, a sign of hope.

How will that sign become reality … meteorologically? … politically? I do not know.  This I do know,  Hope is around us.

I want to see signs of  hope.  I want to experience signs of hope.  I want to be a sign of hope.

Thank you, Mother Nature. In spite of the reality that the snow has not yet gone and it’s still really cold outdoors, three little bulbs are my sign of hope for today.


Photo & Text © june maffin