Do you remember Yoda from Star Wars?   
A legendary Jedi Master, Yoda may have been small in size, but he was
quite the theologian, philosopher and poet.

Yoda said “Do or do not.   There is no try.”  In those two short sentences, Yoda extended a call to *do.”
“Do* kindness.
*Do* acts of justice.
“Do” speak up for … the bullied … the disabled … the environment … the mentally ill … the lonely … the impoverished … the victimized … the grieving … the homeless … the abused animals … the frightening slippery slope that has followed the abolition of Roe v Wade … the elderly … the frightened … the planet … the chronically ill … the addict … the growing tension on university campuses … the addicted … the war in Ukraine and the Middle East and Africa and …

We’re going down the Rabbit Hole and further down the Slippery Slope because …
… “First they came for the women who decided abortion was the best response to their pregnancy and I did not speak out because I was not pregnant.
… Then they came for the LGBQT+ and I did not speak out because I was straight.
… Then they came for those who were not Caucasian and I did not speak out because I was Caucasian.
… Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.”
(based on Martin Niemöller’s WW11 words: “”First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Yoda set a challenge and put forth a reminder that
… change *can* begin
… peace *can* appear
… joy *can* be experienced
… hope *can* be rekindled
… voting *can* bring about change …

Perhaps only in oh-so-small steps, perhaps only in oh-so-small glimpses, but change *can* happen when a Yoda Attitude begins in our heart, in our mind, in our spirit, in our action.  The change might not happen in the ways we want … or expect … or in the time frame we need.  But change *can* happen.   “Do or do not.    There is no try.”  (Yoda).

On this, the fourth day of the month of May,  may we have a Yoda Attitude and m
ay the Fourth/Force be with us all.   Happy May 4th!

© June Maffin
Photo by Eric McLean (Used by permission