Fear seems to be on the rise.  
What to do?
We could let the fear grow and grow
until physical, emotional and spiritual paralysis sets in.

Or, we could transform our understanding of fear
– and our approach to it.     
into hope and
F  ace
verything that is
A  gainst
R  eason


O  penness and
P  ossibilities of peaceful action and response, by and for
E  veryone

Will changing our approach to a single word
bring about change within our Spirit?   

Will changing our Spirit
bring about change in our actions, our attitudes, our abilities to cope with the pandemic?   

How will we know … if we don’t try?

When fear attacks, may we Face Everything that is Against Reason
with Healing, Openness and Possibilities of peaceful action and response by and for Everyone.

Hope really is the only thing stronger than fear.

© June Maffin
