There’s something about Nature that continues to remind me of the miracles around us if All-Who-Dwell-Here have eyes to see … like this tree.

When I first walked in front of it, I kept on walking.  But then I turned back.
I wanted to see if what I thought I saw, I really did see.   I took its photo – just to be certain.  And there it was – a face within.  It was not carved by human design, but carved by Nature … and was complete with hair (albeit green)!   I really did see it!

A smile began to form on my face – I could feel it.   Once again, I was aware of the connectedness of all Creation.  To ignore our fragile planet earth, its forests, its waters, its parks is to ignore the precious gift we have been given.  At our own peril.

May All-Who-Dwell-Here treat fragile earth with gentleness and respect.
May All-Who-Dwell-Here be guided by need rather than by greed.
May All-Who-Dwell-Here remember that generations who follow will need fresh water to drink, growth in forests to heat and breathe, healthy sea life to eat.

Thank you, Face-in-a-Tree for your reminders.  We need you to survive.  You need us to survive.   May the sanctity of the earth be treated with civility and common sense by All-Who-Dwell-Here.

© June Maffin


Photo and Text © June Maffin