It’s not a good day for many in the world. And especially not for those in Ukraine. Two years ago today, Russia invaded Ukraine.

And on this, the second anniversary of that terrible event, tangling in colour helps distract me from the sterile black/white images in my mind of menacing trucks rolling down city streets, people hovering in bombed-out hospitals, children growing up terrified and democracy on a fragile thread in that and far too many countries.

As we move about each day – as we create our art – as we drive into town – as we shop and attend our meetings, appointments, go to work/school/worship, may we think of the people of Ukraine and other places in the world where that same scenario is commonplace.

Let us think hope. Let us pray peace. Let us send thoughts of protection.

The freedom we enjoy this day is not theirs. May that reality change soon and in the meantime, may the people of Ukraine know that the world has not forgotten them.

I send them colour – and hope – this, and all, days.

We need colour and hope in this world as reminders that rainbows still cross skies – somewhere; reminders that children still dance and sing – somewhere; reminders that freedom still exists – somewhere. Colour and Hope!

© June Maffin

Artwork: I don’t find ‘scratch paper’ easy to work with/tangle on (this is a Zentangle® HQ fragment called ‘Obawa’,) but I do love the surprising and unexpected colours that emerge each time.