Do you remember 
– when you surprised yourself by singing … creating …  laughing out loud … dancing a few steps in an unexpected time/location?

 – when the contrast of sky and trees … night and day … sunrise and sunset – brought a sense of wonder that
 filled your soul?

 –  when a deep part of you that you’d long forgotten was awakened by the colour of a flower … the sound of      an instrument … the taste of a meal … the touch of love … a moment of silence in the midst of a chaotic day?

– when the laughter of a child … the smell of a newborn … the antics of a pet … the unexpected embrace of a
loved one … the personal words that accompanied a “Happy Birthday” greeting  … the fragility of life … the flutter of a hummingbird’s wings … reminded you that there was “something more” to this world?

– when you followed that “still, small voice within” making a decision?

–  when the concept of sacredness brought a sense of peace to your soul … and you couldn’t explain it to
anyone, or even yourself?

 –  when, in spite of personal difficulties, fears, doubts, you … chose to put one step in front of the other … chose to take the day, one moment at a time … chose to whisper ‘hope is possible’.

These are moments when we touch the holy – the sacred – that which moves us to a sense of awe, that “je ne sais quoi” because it is indefinable, inexplicable, and deeply moves us to a place/space of reverence that can but does not need to be connected to the common understanding of the divine.

Those are moments when the Holy as we understand it, touches us.

In these difficult days of political rhetoric … divided families … countries at/on the brink of war … flagrant lies from people in leadership positions … financial instability … diminishing health … global climate concerns … and more, may we be observant to the holy, remember the moments when we have touched the holy, and be receptive to the moments when the Holy touched us for, whether we use that word, we have encountered Something Beyond Ourselves and it changes us – whether we know it, whether we acknowledge it, whether we believe it or not.

© June Maffin

© June Maffin “Soulistry: Artistry of the Soul”