Birthdays are supposed to be happy days … times of celebration and memories that bring a smile to the face.
While many can be described as ‘happy’ days … not always.

This year’s birthday brought echoes
… echoes of words spoken that day by my husband’s doctor:
 “esophageal cancer …  it has spread … Hans, you have about six months.”

The doctor was wrong.  Four days after those words were spoken
… not six months, my beloved Hans died.

Not surprisingly, I wasn’t looking forward to my birthday this year and didn’t spend time on the internet that day.  But when I finally did, unexpected and kind birthday greetings brought light into the darkness.
Each image and comment touched my heart in ways I cannot express.

And a prayer emerged from deep within me
… a prayer of hope that kind words
would be written … spoken … echoed throughout our world
… from politicians and social media
… among family, friends, strangers

May words of kindness echo throughout our world.



Photos and Text © June Maffin
