I love watching them poke their heads above the ground, changing their location every year, making their appearance in so many different varieties. Intriguing and delightful, they put a smile on my face.

What are they? Here’s a clue … it’s that time of year when dampness and earth combine and make …

… mushrooms!

Yes, I really do love watching the mushrooms poke their heads above the ground, changing their location every year in the back yard … intriguing and delightful. Each year, they put a smile on my face.

This year, two kinds of mushrooms have appeared so far: shaggy ink mushrooms and a variety of the boletus mushroom.

Author Munia Khan wrote that“if you feel all damp and lonely like a mushroom, find the thick, creamy soup of joyfulness and just dive into it in order to make life tastier.” 

What delicious words!

For those who are feeling ‘all damp and lonely like a mushroom’ from personal or political stresses, may you “find the thick, creamy soup of joyfulness” and then “just dive into it in order to make life tastier.”

© June Maffin