Happy Fourth Day of Christmas … the day when “Four Calling Birds” are calling. 

The original ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ song, written in 1780, used the old regional English word ‘colly’ meaning ‘grimy’ like a chimney sweep.   In 1909, Frederic Austin altered that word to “calling.”   In keeping with this alteration, this Fourth Day of Christmas, the colly/calling birds are “calling” us to new self-awareness.

By reflecting on and responding to some questions below, ‘a calling’ to new beginnings may be identified, encouraged, affirmed perhaps in occupation, volunteer activity, artistic undertaking, religious participation, athletic endeavour, vocation, creative expression.   Take your time in reflecting and responding to the questions – write them down – see what emerges.  🙂

* Is there joy in what I do?   How?  When?  What is ‘joy’?

* Is there purpose … dedication … passion in my life – in spite of global crises?

* Do I experience/have I ever experienced deep satisfaction and fulfillment in my life?  If so, how?  If not, make some time to reflect and identify what stopped that from happening.

* Am I on the right path?

* Am I doing what I was created to do?  aka – what is the purpose of my life?

Have you / has anyone ever suggested that you may be … “called” to a particular purpose? That what you do is more than just your place of employment or how you function in your life?  Perhaps you are called to share your life through service to others or teaching or hospitality or encouragement or …

May your reflections bring new awareness in ways that will encourage a continuation in the spiritual journey.
Happy Fourth Day of Christmas!

© June Maffin   https://soulistry.com/blog

The Soulistry Christmas reflection series is published each day during the Season of Christmas (Christmas Day to Epiphany, January 6th), offering a lovely stretch of time to reflect, enjoy, delight in, and consider how we can bring a little bit of Christmas into our life and the lives of others every day.

As always, you are welcome to share with others and comment here.  And you are invited to subscribe to the 12 Days of Christmas series by going to the right hand top of this reflection. Subscribe to Blog via Email.  Notifications of new reflections will come directly to you via email.

May the Twelve Days of Christmas be a reminder that Christmas isn’t just “one day” but can continue to be alive in hearts and lives every day – even beyond the Season of Christmas.   🙂

© June Maffin



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