A friend wrote
“I know I am fading.
I need help with fading.
I will be staying at home for this part of the journey.”

A woman of gentle strength, courage, humility, wisdom, and hope,
her post reminded me of this photo which for me, became symbolic of birth and death.

In it, I saw tall, strong trees standing on the edge of fresh running water that brings life. 
I also saw leaves from those trees falling to their demise
as salmon swam upstream in the waters to their end. 

Birth and death
in a unique way.

When we are born, we change our address.
We move 
“From Beyond” (where we grow in the care of our mother’s womb)
to “This World”  (where we grow through life’s lessons). 

When we die, we change our address again …
We move from
“This World” (where we have grown through life’s lessons)
to “Beyond”  (where, like our time in our mother’s womb, we were oblivious about what is before us, but is a  hope that we are not at our ‘end’).

Perhaps we might think of death as a beginning
… another new beginning.

So many have died recently.
They have changed their address.

So many are dealing with terminal illness and are dying.
They are about to change their address.

When we were born,
we made the transition “From Beyond” to “This World.”

When we die,
we will make the transition from “This World” to “Beyond.

And when that happens,
it could be far more glorious
than we can even anticipate or imagine!

© June Maffin


photo and text © June Maffin
photo taken at Goldstream Park on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
