Antidote to latest news from the U.S.?
Make art!

As Andy Warhol said
“Don’t think about making art
… just get it done.
Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad
… whether they love it or hate it.
While they are deciding
… make more art!”

Ahhhh, Andy Warhol
… such wise advice.

When we create
we are
… being child-like
… moving further in our process of “becoming”
… growing spiritually.

Making … creating … playing … being
Imagine the spiritual possibilities
… when we make time for each of these.

And when they are woven together
into something tangible
it’s art!
Yes, even these “Four Funky Kids” cards
… made out of cardstock, paper clips and yarn snippets.

Let’s create.
Let’s make art.
Let’s play.
Let’s “Get It Done!”

“Four Funky Kids” cards, Photo & Text
© June Maffin

Time to make some more “Funky Kids” cards
as these have all found their way into
mailboxes of grandkids, nieces and nephews. 🙂