What do you do when you’re stressed? Or bored, frustrated, grieving,
angry, sad, lonely, in pain? What do you do for fun, for challenge, etc.?

For me, I play. Well, to be honest I create.  Something.  Sometimes that creativity happens in the kitchen with food. Sometimes it happens in the garden with earth and bulbs and plants. Sometimes it happens in the Studio with paper and paint and cardstock. Sometimes it happens in my recliner chair with the laptop computer. Sometimes it happens on an airplane or the deck with yarn and fabric. Sometimes it happens on the bus, hospital, dentist’s office with pen & ink. But it happens.  And when it does, I discover physical pain diminishing,  emotional sadness lessening, spiritual dis-ease becoming transformed

But what if what is created turns out to be a mess? Or not what was intended? The old adage “give it a try” often whispers in my mind.  Like this summer when I found some records in a church fall sale and thought I’d see what happened when I poured acrylic paint on them. Didn’t turn out the way I thought it would. I was going to paint over them but then decided to try writing on them instead … like this one.  It “sort of” worked … but the rough surface wasn’t easy to write on.  But that won’t stop me.  I’ll “give it a try”again.  Sometime.

And in the meantime I’ll continue to play and create and whatever the “it” is at the time “give it a try.”   Hope you do, too.


photo & text © June Maffin