“Goldilocks” – who would have thought that playing with
tjanting tools, wax, Procion dyes and Arches Text Wove paper
for this birthday card for a lovely daughter-in-love recently reminded me of the children’s “Goldilocks” story.  My brain – gives me chuckles at some of the ways it works.   🙂

The birthday card didn’t turn out as I anticipated, but I learned a lot through the process. So, in case anyone wants to try making Batik on cards
here’s what I learned … the ‘large’ tjanting tool left blobs of wax … the wax from the ‘small tjanting tool couldn’t be seen until the dye was added.

For me, the Goldilocks (“Just Right”) tjanting tool is the ‘medium’ one.  Learning.  It’s all about experimenting and learning and this Fall, when I teach a group this fun technique, I know I’ll learn even more about batiking on cards.   Thanks, Goldilocks.  🙂

© June Maffin