We say it often.
We hear it often.
But do we really know what we’re saying
when we say “good morning”?

Yesterday may have had ‘broken pieces.’
Yesterday may have brought disappointment.
Yesterday may have planted fear deep inside

But today is not yesterday.
Today is a new day.
This morning is a new morning.
And it can be a ‘good’ morning
… if only for a split second.

As I swept the leaves covering the front entrance to the house, I noticed a little bit of ‘good’ growing in a very protected place by the front door … a strawberry flower!

The birds had given an unexpected gift … a gentle reminder that every morning can offer an unexpected gift of goodness.

Thanks to the little lesson from the strawberry, I will smile and say “Good morning” to people I encounter this morning, whether I feel like it is a ‘good’ morning or not.  As I smile and wish others “Good morning”, I will try to remember that each morning is the first day of the rest of their life, just as each morning is the first day of the rest of my life.

I want every day to be a day that holds to the promise of the strawberry growing unexpectedly in the front yard, bringing a “Good Morning!” wish to my soul.  The unexpected gift is a reminder to share goodness with others in whatever ways I can, every day.

“Good Morning!”
May this be a ‘good’ morning for you in some way.   🙂



© text and photo: June Maffin