These days, it seems as if more and more, people are experiencing
a hardening of physical arteries … when blood vessels become narrow … hardened cholesterol clogs physical systems …  and physical health is seriously affected.

These days, it seems as if more and more, people are experiencing
a hardening of spiritual arteries … when minds become narrow … when hearts become hardened … and spiritual health is seriously affected.

It seems that the ‘narrowing’ of minds and the ‘hardening’ of hearts
is not only affecting the spiritual health of individuals, but the spiritual health of nations.

Oh, to return to the place where … kindness and consideration of others
… truthfulness and acceptance of differences … hopefulness and child-likeness … playfulness and peacefulness … the ability to reason and listen
are part of the daily life-experiences of adults, children, youth, elders, professionals, religious leaders, business people, politicians.

Medical professionals remind us that when life’s blood begins to clog,
physical arteries close, we become ill. We may even die.

Not surprisingly,  when stress, negativity, hopelessness, despair, fear fill our thoughts, Spirit begins to clog, spiritual arteries close,
we become ill. We may even die.

But when physical arteries are open, life’s blood flows through our veins.
We survive.

When spiritual arteries are open, … compassion and truthfulness … joy and peace … patience and kindness … love and goodness … thoughtfulness and self-control flow through us. We thrive.

May spiritual arteries be opened!


© june maffin