Hello, Sunday!

A new week begins.

What will be released from within me this day? from others in this world this day? What will take flight in me? in this world?

May love and hope, self-control, truth and kindness, patience, gentleness, goodness, thoughtfulness, joy and peace be released this day from each of us into the world – wherever we live and move and have our being.

May hatred and violence, intolerance, fear, envy, terrorism, self-seeking opportunism and seeking power for personal control or gain, take flight this day from the world of politics, from religion, countries, communities, homes – each of us – and not descend again.

A new day begins.
A new week begins.
May ‘good’ be released.
May ‘not-good’ take flight.

Hello Sunday!

© June Maffin

As always, you are welcome to share.

© June Maffin

The yellow branch-flowers in this photo are from a Witch Hazel tree in a friend’s garden.