“How has your day been?” he asked. A simple question  (not the typical “How are you” that usually elicits an inauthentic response).  She answered – honestly. “It’s been a really shitty and sad day. My friend died today and I’m really sad.” Tears welled up and spilled down her cheeks.

He was quiet while checking items through the till, then told her he was sorry for her loss and said  “I lost my mom last month.” They shared “one-of-those-moments” together and spoke of the importance of “enjoying every moment with those we love and making the most of this thing called life.”

Picking up the bag of groceries
she noticed a bouquet of flowers tucked inside. “Oh, these aren’t mine.” “Yes. They are for YOU.” “WHAT?” “They’re for you.  I’m sorry about your friend.   The flowers are for you.” The woman in line behind her began to quietly cry. A tear rolled down his face. Tears rolled down her face.

At the human-level, they were strangers.  At the soul-level, they were friends. As she walked through tree-lined neighbourhoods tears gently flowing down her cheeks,  she was mindful of an encounter with the Holy Presence of a fellow sojourner on Planet Earth.  His name was Joe.

When she got home and unwrapped the flowers, she realized they were orange Gerbera daisies … her favourite flower and colour. Joe may not have known the difference he made that day, but my friend did. Joe made a difference in her life and brought healing and hope.

When we listen to another … truly listen with our ears, our eyes, our minds, our heart, we *can* make a difference in the life of another.  The Joe’s of this world exist.  They give us hope that people can be kind. They remind us that we all share a common humanity. They teach us that everyone has the power-within, to be someone’s “Joe.”

gerberaorange-dscn0001-1Photos and Text © June Maffin


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