The little engine was at the bottom of a mountain, looked ahead
and was about to turn around because the mountain seemed to be too difficult to climb.

But then came the thought
“I think I can. I think I can. I think I can”
and the little train slowly began its climb up the mountain to the summit.

Like the engine in “The Little Engine That Could” story (authored by Watty Piper, a pen name of Arnold Munk)
my former cat, Serenity
and Olympic athlete Simone Biles
can serve as gentle reminders of the power and importance of the “I think I can” philosophy.

It’s not easy
to take one step, then another, and then another
and begin to climb the mountains in our life
… overcome the obstacles (of fear, lack of self-confidence, negativity) along the way
… think possibilities (“I think I can. I think I can.  I think I can.”) 
… and get to the top where peace, solace, healing, joy can be found.

It’s not easy
to take one step, then another and then another
and begin to climb the mountains in our global lives
… overcome the obstacles of (lies, greed, political corruption) along the way
… think possibilities (“I think we can. I think we can.  I think we can.”)
… and get to the top where justice, equality, hope, peace can be found.

Serenity wanted to climb her Scratching Tree
but because of recent surgery, wasn’t quite certain how to do that.
Slowly but surely, she made her way up her mountain.
She began the climb … overcame her obstacles
and got to the top where a view of the garden, personal satisfaction and peace were found.

World-renowned gymnast Simone Biles wanted to achieve ‘Olympic gold’ at the Olympics in Japan.
She had trained. She was physically ready.
She approached the mat but when she miscalculated – again
she knew she wasn’t emotionally ready.
She left the arena and returned with a decision
and slowly but surely, she began the climb up her mountain of emotional obstacles
… and will get to the top where peace will be found.

May the images of The Little Engine That Could, Serenity the cat
and the courage of gymnast Simone Biles
envelope us in “I think I can” thinking
… for ourselves
… for our countries
… for one another.

May we not be daunted
by the mountains ahead of us, personally or politically.

May we not allow
obstacles to block us.

May we get to the top
of our seemingly impossible-to-climb mountains
look back in reflection and acknowledge
“we did it!”

© June Maffin


“Can I get up this thing? It’s a long way up to the top.
“I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.”

“I did it!”