“How can terrible events happening around the world be seen from a spiritual perspective?” is not an easy question to answer, but perhaps an answer can begin to be found in the words of others.

Hiding in an attic in the midst of anticipated discovery at any moment a young girl, Anne Frank, had hope: “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.”   In spite of everything that was happening during WW11, someone had hope and wrote “I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining. I believe in the stars, even when I see them not. I believe in God, even when God is silent” on the wall of a concentration camp in Dachau.

Teaching songs to pre-school malnourished, sickly and orphaned children.
with no room to sit in the noisy, hot, humid, dusty and impossibly tiny and crowded room in Sri Lanka, a country torn apart by civil war six crudely printed words “Life is a gift from God” were scratched on the wall as the children sang and moved spontaneously with joy!

In spite of everything. In the midst of … a terrifying yesterday … a bleak today … a potentially annihilated tomorrow  In each of these situations, there was hope! Anne Frank’s words … words of hope. The Dachau prisoner’s words … words of hope. The Sri Lankan’s words … words of hope.

Though the future may seem bleak and terrifying to some, the hope of those in bleak and terrifying situations in the past must be allowed to speak hope
to people in the bleak and terrifying present … “in spite of everything.”


Photo & Text © june maffin