This morning was an “M” morning … a Magical … Mystical … Mysterious … Marvellous … Memory-Making … Morning!

As I entered the roundabout, the sight before me was so lovely that I drove all the way around the roundabout, parked in the school’s parking lot across the street, and snapped this photo to remember what had captured my attention.

And then, within minutes, the fog had lifted and the beauty of the moment was gone.

But not forever, thanks to my little camera and the availability of the school parking lot.

And thanks to the gift of memory, the photo will continue to remind me for years to come of an MMMMM.

In the midst of a pandemic, where mask-wearing, social-distancing, curtailed family and friend visits/activities are commonplace, it’s not always easy to recognize the MMMMM … magical, mystical, mysterious, marvellous, memory-making moments before and around us.

But they’re there
in the fog
in the twinkling and smiling eyes of another
in the “may you stay safe”
in the beauty of the world
in the giggle of a child
in the wag of a tail and the cuddle of a feline
in the daffodil trying to surface
in the breath of fresh air
in the first step of the morning
in the comfort of a steaming cup of tea
in the warmth of bed
in the …

Hope your morning, afternoon, evening, day
for whatever reason, is (was) lovely
Magical … Mystical … Mysterious … Marvellous … Memory-Making!


© June Maffin