A Facebook friend wrote, echoing the unspoken words of so many: “I just don’t know what to think. I am so confused. I see people standing by our fence, drinking, laughing, celebrating. No masks. No distancing. I see graduates being visited by friends inside their home, sitting close together, hugging. No masks. No distancing. I see friends at the park shoulder to shoulder laughing, touching. No masks. No distancing. Photo after photo on my feed. Big smiles. Feeling good. Is this over, the pandemic? Can we really go back to doing what we did before? I guess all these people I see are young and maybe have no compromising conditions, so contracting the virus won’t be a big deal. I guess their children will be safe, too. I guess the people at the grocery store will be fine. Maybe they have all been tested or recovered and they know for certain they are not spreaders. I don’t know. So maybe I should mind my own business.I guess we’re all going to be fine. And if not, well, that’s the way it goes. Too bad for me. I’ll just have to suck it up.

I read and reread those words and prayed and replied.

I share that reply in the hopes that it may address the confusion others may be experiencing.

You ask: “Is this over, the pandemic?”
Answer: “No!”

You ask: “Can we really go back to doing what we did before?”
Answer: “No!”

You write … “I guess all these people I see are young and maybe have no compromising conditions, so contracting the virus won’t be a big deal. I guess their children will be safe, too. I guess the people at the grocery store will be fine.”
Response: “No!” Contracting the virus WILL BE a big deal. Their children may not be safe. The people at the grocery store may not be fine.

Then you write: “Maybe they have all been tested or recovered and they know for certain they are not spreaders.”
Response: “No!”

And then you write: “maybe I should mind my own business.”
Response: “No!” What is happening IS your business. Just watch and see what happens in two weeks from now — numbers will explode.

And then you make an assumption: “I guess we’re all going to be fine.”
Response: “No!” We’re all NOT going to be fine. We’re not all fine now. We’ve not all been fine the past two months.

And finally you wrote: “And if not, well, that’s the way it goes. Too bad for me. I’ll just have to suck it up.”
Response: “No!” You don’t have to suck it up. Keep wearing your mask – keep asking the questions – be using your brain to sort this thing out – keep learning from the scientists – keep caring for yourself – keep on keeping on.

I’m so sorry, my friend … sorry that there are people around you who don’t get it … don’t believe it … don’t use their commonsense … don’t listen to the scientific and historical evidence … don’t wear a mask … don’t practice social distancing. I’m sorry for all of us who are in similar situations.

We must ignore the naysayers, conspiracy enthusiasts, selfish people who think the world belongs to them.

What can we do? We can take care of ourselves and our loved ones — wear our mask, practice social distancing, wash our hands often and well, cough into our elbow.

Btw, that’s not fear talking. That’s love talking.
Keep talking love. Keep practicing love.
We will get through this – together. June xox

An aside: This Iris is the first to bloom this year in the back yard. It speaks to me of love – of hope – of life!

© June Maffin