Where has the year gone? It’s hard to believe that it was a year ago today that the little “Nourish Gently: The Soulistry Cookbook” e-book was published.

In the past year, emails, cards and letters from families, individuals, family physicians, pediatricians and children’s psychiatrists from various parts of the world have come my way. I love knowing where the cookbook has travelled and am deeply humbled and grateful for the interest and support of the “Nourish Gently” project.

Thank you – and thank you Gumroad and Amazon for providing safe and secure transactions for my books. www.soulistry.com (click “books”).

In celebration of this anniversary, “Nourish Gently” is available at an anniversary price: $4.00 and will be available at www.soulistry.com/books (or see above link) for a week … January 14, 2018 … at that anniversary price.

Here’s to good health and may we “gently nourish” our bodies, minds and spirits this year in new ways.    June Maffin

Nourish Gently