Stories.  We all have them  On a drive one afternoon in rural Ontario, the no-longer-existing fence with its tall weeds and grass wildly growing all around caught my eye and led my attention to the farmhouse waaaaaay off in the distance.   I wondered what stories the building could tell.  Stories of a time when it stood tall and erect, provided shelter, watched children romp and laugh and grow, watched adults become elders and move on

That was long ago.  Now the farmhouse is beginning to tilt to one side and before long it will be a relic.  One day, we too will be like the old farmhous.  Let us not wait to remember and share our stories. Stories of long ago. Stories we are experiencing now. Stories to learn from. Stories to laugh about. Stories to cry over. Stories to celebrate. Stories we would like to forget.  Stories of our childhood and youth. Stories of our travels. Stories of spiritual awareness. Stories of our mistakes. Stories of our successes. Stories of our loves. Stories of our sad times. Stories of our difficult times. Stories of our survival. Stories of personal growth. Stories of when we thrived. Stories of self-care or lack thereof.

We all have stories, but when we die they die with us, unless we share our stories.  Now is the time to journal, blog, speak our stories into a tape recorder so those who follow can one day remember and say … “oh the stories!”


Photo and Text © June Maffin