Some “perhaps-thoughts” from ‘Serenity the Cat’
on Day Twelve of her adoption:
“I am the cat of this home.
I am loved.
I am at peace.”

Those “perhaps-thoughts” of Serenity
penetrate within my soul
as I, too, have similar thoughts.

“perhaps-thoughts” like …
If only all animals could know
they had a home
they were loved
they were at peace.

“perhaps-thoughts” like …
If only all human beings could know
they had a home
they were loved
they were at peace.

I dream of such a world.

I dream of such a reality for the animals who are tortured and abandoned and unloved.

I dream of such a reality for the children who are enslaved, prostituted, kidnapped, in cages, forgotten, unloved.

I dream of such a reality for the youth and the adults and the seniors who are alone and hurting and fearful and unloved.

I dream of Serenity’s “perhaps-thoughts.

© June Maffin