Whether it’s listening to music, recommending a restaurant, listening to the opinion of another, politics, religion, looking at art, we all have our own perspective, our own viewpoint, our own experience of what we see / hear / taste / feel.

When I created this ZenDoodle long ago while waiting to see a doctor, it was as it is in the first photo – sideways.  Sitting beside me was a fellow who, after watching me doodle, said “How about putting a hat on him?” “A hat?”  “Yes, a hat” he replied.

Clearly, I didn’t “see” what the fellow was seeing. But when he leaned over, he took the corner of my little zendoodle and turned it around. I “saw” the image he was seeing.  I doodled a little ‘tam’ hat.

Tonight, it seems, that whether I watch a U.S. channel or a Canadian channel or British channel, they’re all talking about the latest “breaking news” … the release of the Mueller report.   And while the focus is on the Mueller report and “what could it possibly contain,” very little attention is being paid to the Mozambique cyclone which has devastated that country.  If you do an internet search on ‘Mozambique cyclone March 22, 2019, you’ll see what is happening there. When the Mueller report is released, media will form opinions.  Family, friends, co-works, neighbours will form opinions.  Each of us will form an opinion.

Life’s Lessons are all around us and the little zendoodled fellow has become a gentle reminder that what is seen isn’t always what others see; what is heard isn’t always what others hear; what is experienced isn’t always what others are experiencing, even in the same situation.

Perspective. Isn’t it all about perspective?


© june maffin   Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul
www.soulistry.com (/blog)

