aches and pains
can be reality
don’t like it
not always easy
is reality
don’t like it
not always easy
grieving personal losses
is reality
not always easy
saddened by losses of others
who have lost family/friends
not always easy
when healing begins
refocus is needed
to celebrate the lives that are leaving
or already gone
and to celebrate the times
when bodies were agile, flexible, without pain
not always easy
wish life offered
a different reality
it doesn’t
life continues
not always easy
so we take each moment as it comes
we take each day as it comes
we take each person as they come
recognize its reality
not always easy
but survivable

we got through
we will get through
and as for tomorrow
it will be today when it arrives
and the next day
will be yesterday
may not be easy
but …


© June Maffin