On this, the Second Day in the Season of Christmas
may there be …

Two Times the Gift of Insight
about the true meaning of the Christmas Message.

Two Times the Gift of Patience
with others and ourselves.

Two Times the Gift of Serenity
to accept the things we cannot change.

Two Times the Gift of Courage
to change the things we can.

Two Times the Gift of Wisdom
to know the difference between things we can and cannot change.

Two Times the Gift of Love

to give and receive.

Two Times the Gift of Hope
to focus on possibilities

Happy Second Day – “Two Times” Day – of Christmas!

May the Twelve Days of Christmas be a reminder that Christmas isn’t just “one day.”   The Spirit of Christmas can continue to be alive in hearts and lives and be lived every day – even beyond the Season of Christmas.   

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 © June Maffin
