Merry Sixth Day of Christmas! 

This day offers a gentle opportunity to reflect on the moments in our lives of birthing … aka “a-laying.”

Consider the “a-laying” moments and situations when
… a new idea was hatched
… a unique thought came to mind
… an alternative way of doing things emerged
… a possibility became a reality
… taking “the road less travelled” challenged previous ways of thinking
… ‘push came to shove’ and a decision was made
… rebirth was experienced
… ‘the light turned on’ inside and insight clarified the situation
… our spirit was ignited with passion
… we physically gave birth to another human being
… our life was changed as we stood up for ourselves or another
… hope began to be felt again as vaccines began to be distributed.

Consider the a-laying moments and situations when others were used to
… give us birth
… draw us forth into creativity
… breathe life into our hurts
… teach us something may not even have known we needed to know
… bring healing to our body, mind, spirit
… inspire us

On this, the Sixth Day of Christmas
may we ‘make’ time, not just ‘take’ time
… to reflect
… to journal
… to consider the “a-laying” opportunities this day brings.

Happy Sixth Day of Christmas!

© June Maffin

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Artwork: © Violet Smythe, IG@v.smythe_arts  used by permission
The Soulistry Christmas reflection series is published each day during the Season of Christmas (Christmas Day to Epiphany, January 6th), offering a lovely stretch of time to reflect, enjoy, delight in, and consider how we can bring a little bit of Christmas into our life and the lives of others every day.

May the Twelve Days of Christmas be a reminder that Christmas isn’t just “one day, but can continue to be alive in hearts and lives every day – even beyond the Season of Christmas.   🙂


Artwork: Violet Smythe, IG@v.smythe_arts Used by permission