Journaling is good for the soul.   “Soulistry” is a name coined from “soul” and “artistry” used by June Maffin to help readers discover in creative ways the deep mysteries that are hidden in our souls. It’s about “spirituality,” in other words, but Dr. Maffin does this in a very nuanced and developed way that avoids the usual vague platitudes.

“Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul: Creative Ways to Nurture Your Spirituality” gives an excellent series of signposts to your interior life, a way of discovering your true self as you are now, and finding creative ways to re-shaping that self in a healthier direction. In other words, deeper.

Everyone will find something useful, whoever they are.  For Soulistry is about life and death and new life, those things which are the stuff of human being that we all share, and yet that each of us experiences in a unique way.   Find out for your self.
Bishop Pierre Whalon is bishop of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, a composer, author, musician and prolific blogger. His blog can be found at:

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