“The key words of this book are “soul” and “artistry”, being fused into the word “Soulistry” in the title and throughout the text. It is a “dipping” book, like an anthology of poetry. The main text devotes a page to each over 80 quotations from well-known and lesser-known authors, and from Cherokee legends, Chinese and Sanskrit proverbs and Navajo chants.
Each quotation illustrates a different subject, such as “Trusting the Unseen” and “Laughing at Ourselves” – to pick a couple at random. Each is meaningful and relevant to our inner lives, to the deep thoughts we ponder when quietly alone, prompting the many questions that follow.
To get the most out of the book it is recommended that the reader keep a personal “soulistry” journal in which to answer the soul-searching questions. Most quotations are short. As an example, from Joy Harjo, “I walk in and out of many worlds” prompts ten questions to answer. Some questions prompted by the quotations are comfortable to think about while others may be less so. Some pages will be very timely and personally relevant while others will be skipped as having no relevance at the time, but may be helpful at a later date.
The purpose of the book is to be a challenging and inspiring aid to spiritual growth, always available to nurture and expand the spiritual experience of the reader. The quotations are arranged randomly but can be accessed through the subject index or by author in the biographical index.
This can become a treasured bedside book, or be at hand beside a favorite armchair for dipping into in quiet moments, snatched from busy lives. It is non-denominational and fully ecumenical, so will appeal to seekers of deeper spirituality of any religious persuasion.
Sheila Waters is a gifted teacher, author and calligrapher
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