The Remembrance Day poppy I have been wearing
on my outer clothing close to my heart
was a reminder of the men and women
who stood on guard
so that freedom might be ours.

In the morning, a common safety pin will take its place.

It will be worn as a sign to all who think that they are alone
because of hatred, racism, sexism, religious bigotry or … that they are not alone.

It will be worn as a sign to all who are feeling threatened, fearful, unsafe,  that others are “with them.”

The safety pin is on guard so that freedom for all might reign
and let those who are reeling from it all, know that those who wear the safety pin are there to listen. stand up for you, do what we can to let you know you are loved.

The safety pin is on guard and you can rely on us.
We have your back.

search© June Maffin