It’s easy to point fingers and blame. It’s easy to mock and ridicule someone who is different. It’s easy to harass and bully those unable to defend themselves. It’s easy to pick up a gun to settle an argument. These may be ‘easy’ – but they are not only ‘not right’, they lead to more finger-pointing, blame, mocking, ridiculing, harassment, bullying and even murder.

In Texas and Louisiana … something is happened. The rain continued and waters rose. People were trapped in their homes. Will they get rescued? And, by whom?  People *were* being rescued … by professionals and ordinary citizens alike.  Rescuers didn’t ask “Are you an American?”   “Do you believe what I believe when it comes to politics?” “Are you a Christian?”

They’re helping. They’re reaching-out. They’re expressing love … by their selfless actions … by their compassion … by their concern … by their prayers and kind thoughts.   People are recognizing the true essence of what it means to be human.


© June Maffin (photo & text)