We’ve heard the expression “Have a nice day!” We’ve heard it from family, friends, store clerks, strangers.  When someone greets me with it, I reply with something like “You, too” with a smile on my face.

But one day, I said those words to my employer and he barked back “Don’t tell me what kind of day to have!”   And no, he didn’t have a smile on his face
or a joking tone of voice when he said it.
He was going to have the kind of day he was going to have, and did not want to be told to “have a nice day.”

Walking along the boardwalk, I noticed a plaque on a bench that read “Have a Plain Day.”  While I just ‘know’ there’s a story to the plaque and would love to know it someday, in the meantime, I can’t help but think
what response my former boss would say!

All of this brings me back to today.  THIS day.

What kind of a day will it be for you? Will you “have a good day”?
Will you “have a plain day”? Will you wake up “expecting something wonderful will happen” or will it be something else?

The calligraphed words by artist Trish Taylor, as she describes it, are an “as- is” early morning sketch which she did while awaiting lung transplant surgery.  She made her choice about the kind of day she was going to have 

Whatever kind of day each of us has on THIS DAY,
may there be … a moment of peace … a glimpse of hope … an experience of grace.


Text © June Maffin   www.soulistry.com/blog