Thoughts of … travel … grief … discovery … float through my head as I deal with jetlag and begin to sort through photos I took while on my trip to the Netherlands visiting with my late husband’s Dutch siblings / nieces / nephews.

My camera … captured images of tulips, cobblestone streets, picturesque villages, family birthday parties, historic buildings, and working windmills close by one another in the village of Zaanse Schans such as this photo of one of the windmills I took that day.  My heart … captured images of previous visits, grief, beauty, healing and more.

And now, jet lag.  I’ve read that it takes one full day to recover from each hour of time-difference. If that’s true, then it’s going to take me at least a week before my body doesn’t want to wake up at 2:00 am. In the meantime, photos of my trip are beginning to be sorted.

Ibn Battuta (Moroccan 14th century botanist, judge, explorer who traveled some 73,000 miles from present-day North and West Africa to Pakistan, India, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia and China – a distance surpassing that of Marco Polo) understands: “Travelling – it leaves you speechless then it turns you into a storyteller.”  In time, photos from my trip will likely emerge … as likely will the stories.   May we all make time to remember and tell our stories. 

© June Maffin