Have a look through the peekhole … what is on the other side, if the head of the ultra-conservative very radical-sounding Heritage Foundation and architect of Project 2025, Kevin Roberts, has his way, is devastating. He stated: “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”


American lawyer Joyce Alene Vance who served as the United States attorney for the Northern District of Alabama (2009 – 2017) has written an intro to Project 2025’s ideology starting on page 34) and says “He’s (Kevin Roberts) talking about using violence if the majority of American voters don’t agree with his vision for our country. He’s endorsing another January 6, a bloodletting if liberals won’t cave into his view of how the country should be run. If the left won’t “allow” him to have his way, he’s going to make us give in. That’s the man behind Project 2025.”

Please, look through the peekhole – learn about Project 2025 … share what you learn about the Project (which, btw, has already begun) on social media … recognize that this isn’t “pie in the sky” it is as real as were the warnings in Germany in the 1930’s. https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/ https://www.project2025.org/

There is only one way to stop Project 2025 and that is to exercise the right to vote – ignore the hype about the candidates – ignore the rhetoric about what Trump promises – just don’t ignore what undergirds Trump or what undergirds the Kevin Roberts’ of this world.

Today Americans mark their independence from a monarchy. Kevin Roberts is trying to re-create the monarchy.

Remember Roberts’ words: “We are in the process of the second American Revolution”. Not “going to be”. It’s begun. But it can be stopped by one simple act … voting blue – voting the Biden/Harris ticket – choosing democracy not fascism.

Btw, here’s a list of some of the actual things on the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 list:

It’s real. Its implementation has already begun. Read – digest – and recognize where/how you/your loved ones will be affected. No one will *not* be affected.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision took the United States back to July 3, 1776, the day BEFORE the Declaration of Independence. That SCOTUS decision gave Americans the thing that caused them to break away from England – away from a a president-king who’s above the law.

Peek through peep-hole and learn about the depth of the plan of Project 2025. It is not good. It is anything but good. If it succeeds, it will mean the end of democracy. Don’t let that happen – exercise your right to vote and vote for democracy: blue.