My name is UNFI. I’m not pretty. I’m not adorable. And I’m not finished.
Far from it. I am ‘unfinished.’ UNFI for short.

But I am “becoming” finished. So are you, dear reader … none of us has yet ‘arrived’ … none of us is ‘finished’ – yet In a way, we are all UNFI.

And just as the creator, who created me delights in me, so too does the Creator who created you … delight in you … just as you are … on the road to ‘becoming finished”.  We are all UNFI.   🙂

An aside: UNFI is a puppet and in her ‘unfinished’ state, she was entered into the puppet category at the Fall Cowichan Exhibition and was awarded Second Prize.  And no, I’m not going to ‘finish’ her for if I did, she would no longer be my teacher and remind me that I have not-yet-arrived, that I am in the process-of-becoming, and that I too am UNFI.  🙂



© June Maffin (