Weaving is not something I do very often, but a weaving metaphor seems appropriate this week which begins today, Palm Sunday. Known as ‘Holy Week’ (the final seven days before Easter) for Christian adherents around the world, special liturgies and observances will be held in many churches every day of this special week.
For those who follow the Christian path and for those who do not (yet are considering that what begins today is a ‘Holy H.E. Double Hockey Stick Week,’) a series of reflections will surface on the ‘Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul’ blog because the story of Jesus this Holy Week is not only for Christians, but is for people of all religions/beliefs and no religion/belief.
Long ago, at the time when the man Jesus lived, the people needed a vision – a vision of hope. They weren’t alone. At this time, when we live, the people need a vision – a vision of hope, too. It’s been said that “where there is no vision the people perish.”
And so – the Weaving Prayer began to surface. May it become a vision of hope for all – not just those who are observing Holy Week, but for those who are not and who also need a vision of hope.
Weave, O Holy One
our differing threads of opinions
our global fear
our various political strands
our diverse liturgical expressions
our different ways of looking at the world
into a sacred tapestry
so that we will be empowered
to hope and vision
a world where Love
not fear, not ego, not pursuit of power, not idolization of money
is the centre of decisions, thoughts, actions and conversations
Great Weaver of us all
when we find ourselves regretting the past
when we are uncertain of the present
when we are fearful of the future
help us.
May Holy Week be one of hope
not panic.
May Holy Week be one of gentle reflection
not listening to the fear mongers.
And may Holy Week be one of inner response
not reaction which clouds our vision of hope.
O Great Weaver, encourage us not to focus on the underside of the Tapestry where our knottedness, frayed ends, and tattered threads can be seen.
Instead, may we envision the entire Tapestry of community – a tapestry of differing colours, customs, abilities, religions, languages, and ages – as we all work together, globally, during these difficult days towards a vision of love, peace, respect and kindness for the world, in the world and of this world.
Amen. So be it. Amen.
© June Maffin
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Thanks for the prayer for this day…for my journey!
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Your words are a magical inspiration. Thank you for guiding my scattered thoughts, to a peaceful purpose.