A long time ago, a child lived while the world around her was exploding with hatred, violence, evil.

At that time, one man had risen to power
… a
man who hated
… a man who lied
… a man who was the catalyst for violence.
Evil spread through his actions.

That one man became the model for others to hate.
He encouraged others to lie and be violent.
Evil spread through the actions of those who followed that one man.

Soon, hatred spread even further.   Lies spread wider.  Violence erupted daily. 
The world of the child and her family became a world of fear … fear for their very lives.  So they hid and lived in an attic for several years until they were betrayed and the child, along with most of her family and millions of others, died unthinkable deaths.
The time in history was World War 11.
Humanity did not learn then.
Hope was gone.

And yet in the midst of the chaos, suffering, hatred, senselessness and violence, one child – Anne Frank – wrote hope-filled words in her journal …  “Where there is hope, there is life.   It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again.”
The time in history – is now.  There is a rise in hatred of “the other.”  A leader lurks in the wings hoping once again to take centre stage and unleash his hatred, his lies, his ability to evoke violence.

Will humanity learn now?
Democracy is at great risk.
Where is the hope?

Hope exists.  It lies in the people who vote – in those who staff voting poll stations – in those who have spoken up and are speaking out – in those who refuse to be intimidated.

May the world have hope.

“Where there is hope, there is life.” 
<Anne Frank>



© June Maffin
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