Welcome to this world, little one! 
This world you’ve entered is big – very big! 
It has trees and animals, plants and bugs, galaxies and planets, rivers and oceans, stars and suns, fish and flowers and people.   🙂

People who speak different languages … and people who can’t speak at all.
People who have different-shaped and different-coloured eyes … and some who have none. People who are tall … while some are not. People with red hair, brown, white, yellow, black and colours in-between … and some with no hair at all. People with red skin, brown skin, black skin, yellow skin, white skin … and shades in-between.

This world you’ve entered is G_d’s creation. It’s exciting … and full of wonder! But it’s not nearly as exciting … as it will be.  It’s not nearly as wonder-filled … as it could be. You see, the world is waiting … waiting for you to grow and learn … waiting for you to become a boy, then a teen, then a man.  There is a reason you are here.

As time passes, you will discover your purpose, and in yet-undetermined-ways, contribute to the world in your own unique fashion.  Yes, there is a reason you are here.

Welcome to this world, little one!

© June Maffin



<In celebration and thanksgiving for the safe arrival of Caleb Timothy Grant, our eighth great-grandchild.>

Photo of Caleb Timothy Grant © Vanessa Grant